Happy Homecoming, Cougars!


Football games have begun, the air is getting chilly, homework is piling up, five teachers assign tests on the same day, and your friends are getting busy with sports and extracurriculars; Homecoming season is upon us once again.

Homecoming is a time for our school to come together as a community and celebrate the start of the new school year. Schools across America participate in this annual tradition, holding spirit weeks and dances for the students. English Language Development teacher Madlynn Bard has been planning the dance with the SGA along with special education teacher Melissa Brown and Assistant Principal Ashley Ashman.

“I think that by being more inclusive of other people, this year’s Homecoming is going to bring us together,” Bard said.

This year, QO nominated and voted students for Homecoming royalty, which took place during Cougars Connect. Aside from Homecoming royalty, QO has a lot of other traditions for this event. The festivities started yesterday with the hallway decoration competition: each grade got assigned a theme to decorate their hallway with and competed for who decorated it the best. This year, we are going back in time to the 60s for the freshmen, 70s for the sophomores, 80s for the juniors, and the 90s for the seniors.

“I think juniors will win homecoming hallways!” said junior Sophie Bee, the Class of 2025 Vice President.

And based on past experience, her prediction is probably right: for the past two years, the junior class has won the hallway decorating contest. We will see if that legacy continues today when the winners get announced at the pep rally before the Homecoming game. QO is up against Seneca Valley for our ‘Lights Out’ game tonight, so wear all black and come with spirit and Cougar pride. Once the game is over and the clock hits 12:00 AM tonight, Homecoming day will officially have begun.

The rush of adrenaline you get putting your makeup on, doing your hair, zipping up your dress, or frantically tying that tie, is how you know Homecoming is about to commence. Some people go with a date and others go with friends, but no matter who you go with you can have an awesome time celebrating school spirit. The school provides a dance—usually held in the courtyard or the gym—filled with decor, food, and awesome music from a DJ. This year, tickets cost $25.

When asked what her favorite thing about homecoming was, junior Maren Bollini said, “Going out with my friends, having dinner, and dressing up.”

“I love having fun with everyone!” Junior Brooke Youmans added.

Lyla Holstein, a representative for the class of 2025, is very excited for the school dance. “I think it’s really fun to support the school and the dance is a good opportunity to get involved,” Holstein says.

On the other hand, although the school puts so much effort into creating an amazing dance, many students choose not to attend. Sophomore Ella Blaine reasons that she thinks, “It is becoming less common for the students to attend the school dance because it’s become the norm for each group of friends to do their own thing, instead of all coming together and having a good time,” she said. People have become more socially divided and close with their specific groups, potentially as a result of COVID.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter where you are or who you’re with, as long as you are having a good time and enjoying yourself. Happy Homecoming and QO hopes to see you there tomorrow night.

October 2023

Teachers Oliver Llewellyn, Megan Cooley-Klein, and Kristi Mangan participating in Pajama Day and Twin Day for Homecoming spirit week. Photos by Molly Rubman.